Posted by: Dr. Justin D'Arienzo, Psy.D., ABPP
Dr. D’Arienzo’s Updated CV as of November 19, 2015

Justin A. D’Arienzo, Psy.D., ABPP
Board Certified Clinical Psychologist
Clinical and Forensic Psychology
11512 Lake Mead Avenue, Suite 704
Jacksonville, Florida 32256
[email protected]
Professional Education:
Pensacola Naval Hospital, Pensacola, FL
Clinical Psychology Residency 2004-2006
Naval Medical Center Portsmouth, Portsmouth, VA
Clinical Psychology Internship, 2003-2004
Nova Southeastern University, Fort Lauderdale, FL
Doctor of Psychology, Clinical Psychology, 2004
Master of Science, Clinical Psychology, 2001
University of North Florida, Jacksonville, FL
Bachelor of Arts, Psychology, 1997
Furman University, Greenville, SC
Certifications/Specialty Training:
Advanced Child Custody Training, American Academy of Forensic Psychology (2015, 2010)
Florida Forensic Examiner Training (2014)
Certified Family Mediator (24407F), Supreme Court of Florida (2010)
Neurofeedback in Clinical Practice Training, EEG Spectrum International (2010)
Qualified Parenting Coordinator (2009)
Board Certified Clinical Psychologist, American Board of Professional Psychology (6411)
Level II Eye Movement Desensitization and Reprocessing (EMDR) Clinician
Surface Warfare Medical Department Naval Officer, Qualified (2007)
Professional Licenses:
Licensed Psychologist, Florida (PY 7397), 06 OCT 2006 to present
Licensed Psychologist, Alabama (PSY 1347), 13 MAY 2005 to 01 OCT 2007
Professional Memberships:
Fellow of the American Academy of Clinical Psychology
Diplomate of the American Board of Professional Psychology
Member, Association of Family and Conciliation Courts (AFCC)
National Alliance of Professional Psychology Providers (NAPPP), Founding Member
Florida Psychological Association, Member
Professional Experience:
D’Arienzo Psychological Group, Jacksonville, Florida
President, Private Psychology Practice, September 2008 to Present
–Clinical, Forensic and Industrial/Organizational Psychological Services
–Specialties include: family, parenting, and divorce related issues; forensic evaluations; psychological evaluations; consultation; individual and couples counseling; military psychology.
Brooks Rehabilitation Hospital, Jacksonville, Florida
Lead Psychologist, Brain Injury Program, August 2008 to December 2008
-Provided clinical and neuropsychological services to patients and families.
-Research team member for Improving Outcomes in Acute Rehabilitation for TBI Using
Practice-Based Evidence
USS Kitty Hawk Aircraft Carrier (CV-63), Forward Deployed Naval Forces, Yokosuka, Japan
Head of Mental Health Division, Medical Department, September 2006 to August 2008
–Sole licensed mental health provider for 12,000 service personnel and DOD contractors (Carrier Strike Group and Air-Wing)
–Led inpatient and outpatient psychiatric/psychological care clinics
–Head of Substance Abuse Rehabilitation Program
–Sole Psychological/Psychiatric Asset and Consultant to Commanders and Senior
Medical Officer
Naval Air Technical Training Center (NATTC) Medical Clinic, Naval Air Station, Pensacola, FL
Head of Behavioral Health Unit, January 2006 to August 2006
–Led Outpatient Behavioral Health Clinic for 5,000 DOD students and staff
-Behavioral Health Consultant to Marine Corps and Navy School Commanders
-Chairman of the Provider Wellness Committee Charter/ Impaired Provider
-Exceeded Productivity Benchmark by 55%.
-Hand selected as a contributor to DOD wide conference to develop the curriculum for
military and civilian psychologists who will be trained by the Center for Deployment
Joint Task Force (JTF), Detainee Behavioral Health Services, Guantanamo Bay, Cuba
Director of Psychology Service and Deputy Chief of Behavioral Health, June 2005 to January 2006
–Provided outpatient and inpatient psychiatric care to over 500 detainees
–Joint Medical Group’s Liaison to Command Operations
-Behavioral Consultant to Camp Operations Commander
-Behavior Modification Instructor to medical staff and detention guards
-Behavioral Health Staff Training Coordinator
-Psychiatric Emergency Watch Officer
Naval Hospital Pensacola (NHP), Pensacola, FL, Mental Health Department
Psychology Resident/Staff Psychologist/Mental Health Department Division Officer, August 2004 to June 2005
-Consult and Liaison Division Officer
-Incident Command Human Services Director
-Senior Watch Bill Officer
-Psychiatric Emergency Watch Officer
-Mental Health GME Faculty Member
Naval Medical Center Portsmouth (NMCP), Portsmouth, VA, Psychology Department
Psychology Intern, July 2003 to July 2004
-Intern Class Adjutant
-Clinical Outpatient, Psychiatric Inpatient, Assessment, and Health Psychology Rotations
Broward Psychological Associates, Inc., Hollywood, FL
Psychometrician, February 2002 to January 2003
-Provided intellectual and personality assessments for vocational rehabilitation benefits
-Assessments included: MMPI-2, WAIS-III, Bender-Gestalt, House-Tree-Person, TAT, Rotter Sentence Completion, and behavioral observations
Veterans Affairs Medical Center, Miami, FL, Acute Psychiatric Unit
Practicum Student, April 2002 to August 2002
-Provided individual and group psychotherapy
-Conducted process and computer based cognitive-behavioral intervention groups
Veterans Affairs Medical Center, Miami, FL-Spinal Cord Injury Unit
Practicum Student, September 2001 to August 2002
-Provided individual psychotherapy and psychological evaluations
-Conducted process and psycho-educational groups concerning pain management and relaxation training
Guided Self Change, Nova Southeastern University Community Mental Health Center, Ft. Lauderdale, FL
Practicum Student, August 2000 to September 2001
-Provided assessments and individual motivational interviewing psychotherapy
-Client population consisted of DUI referrals, college students, and general public
-Clients sought treatment for substance abuse, gambling, and smoking cessation
One Stop Program, Conte Correctional Facility, Pompano, FL
Nova Southeastern University and Conte Facility Liaison, June 2000 to July 2001
-Conducted inmate assessments for substance abuse, domestic violence, and psychopathology
-Served as co-therapist in treating inmates with history of substance abuse and domestic violence
Gateway Community Services, Jacksonville, FL
Adolescent Addictions Counselor, 1997 to 1999
-Conducted group and individual sessions
-Led didactic, Rational Emotive Therapy, recreational, and smoking cessation groups
Diocese of St. Augustine, Florida
Peer counselor, 1997 to 1999
Young Adult Substance Abuse Support Group, Jacksonville, FL
Volunteer, 1995 to 1999
-Initiated and facilitated substance support group for young adults
Children’s Crisis Center, Jacksonville, FL
Practicum Student, 1995 to 1996
-Case managers’ assistance
-Observed and documented interviews
-Reviewed and summarized reports
Team–Drug and Alcohol Recovery Center, Jacksonville, FL
Practicum Student, 1993
-Assisted in developing treatment plans, program, and half-way house.
-Oversaw clients’ daily activities
Other Work Related Experience:
Nova Southeastern University, Residential Life Program, Ft. Lauderdale, FL
Resident Advisor, 1999 to 2002
-Provided crisis intervention for graduate residents
-Developed and facilitated educational, social, and service oriented events for students
-Provided supportive counseling and mediation for residents
-Chairperson for Graduate Resident Student Association
Nova Southeastern University, Center for Psychological Studies, Ft. Lauderdale, FL
Graduate Assistant/Fitness Center Coordinator, June 2002 to June 2003
-Managed facility
-Provided fitness and nutrition information to staff and students
-Responsible for generating and facilitating membership drives
Research Experience, Publications, and Various Articles:
D’Arienzo, J. A. (2008), Stress inoculation training for trauma and stress related disorders. In
- S. Fehr (Ed), 101 Interventions in Group Therapy. New York: Haworth Press.
D’Arienzo, J. A. (2008), Hardiness enhancement: a pathway to resilience. In S. S. Fehr (Ed), 101
Interventions in Group Therapy. New York: Haworth Press.
Various articles printed in Yokosuka Seahawk and the KITTY HAWK FLIER from 2006-2008 to include:
Psychological strategies for managing deployment
Supercharge your holiday spirit
How important is attitude?
The shock and awe of returning to family life
Redefining your new year’s resolutions
The science of love
Catching bees with honey
Stockholm syndrome…what is it and how does it work?
Money matters
Unraveling the secret
A full life
Suicide and the military: is Christmas a factor?
How is my drinking?
D’Arienzo, J. (2006). “Family Strategies for Coping with Deployment,” Naval Hospital
Pensacola’s Medicine Cabinet.
D’Arienzo, J. (2004) “Hurricane Recovery and PTSD,” Naval Hospital Pensacola’s Medicine
Fehr, S. and D’Arienzo, J. (2003). “Group Psychotherapy Abroad” A chapter published in Het
Handboek voor Groeps Psychtherapie in Nederland (The Handbook for Group
Psychotherapy in the Netherlands).
Toll, B., Sobell, L., D’Arienzo, J., Sobell, M., & Eickleberry-Goldsmith, L. (2003) What Do
Internet-Based Alcohol Treatment Websites Offer? Cyber Psychology & Behavior,6(6), 581-584.
Research Assistant to Dr. Scott Fehr, Psy.D., in the formulation of Introduction to Group
Therapy: A Practical Guide, Second Edition,(2003).
Leone, C., & D’Arienzo, J. (2000). Sensation-seeking and differentially arousing television
commercials. Journal of Social Psychology, 140(6), 710-720.
Research Assistant to Lawrence M. Kriesberg, M.S., P.A., Psychotherapist, for Post Traumatic Stress Disorder depositions (2002).
Directed Study-Nova Southeastern University, Center for Psychological Studies, 2002. Maintaining Abstinence in Alcoholics Anonymous through Sponsorship: The Powerful Influence of Altruistic Behavior (Unpublished).
Honors Thesis–University of North Florida, Department of Psychology, 1996-1997. The Differing Effects of Extroversion and an Advertisement’s Level of Arousal on Persuasion.
“Domestic Violence, Elder Abuse and Child Abuse in Mediation.” Jacksonville Bar Association, Mediation CLE Event, May 2014
“Building Your Litigation Team” Panel for the Jacksonville Bar Association, May 2014
“Love 3, Marriage Workshop.” San Juan Del Rio Catholic Church, July 2013.
“Domestic Violence and Male Abuse in Mediation.” Jacksonville Bar Association, Mediation CLE Event, June 2012.
“Domestic Violence and Mediation.” Jacksonville Bar Association, Mediation CLE Event, June 2011.
“Motivational Interviewing and Trauma Informed Care.” Lakeview Hospital, Florida, February 2011.
“Domestic Violence in the Military.” Jacksonville Bar Association, Mediation CLE Event, May 2010.
“Adventures of a Navy Psychologist.” Presented 25 times to various Rotary Clubs in Jacksonville and Ponte Vedra, Florida from 2009 to 2010.
“Team Building Workshop.” Ready 4 Work, Jacksonville, Florida, June 2009.
“Resiliency and Hardiness Training.” Presented three times aboard USS KITTY HAWK (2007-2008).
“Redeployment Integration.” Televised to all personnel aboard the USS KITTY HAWK (2007).
“Health Prevention.” Televised to all personnel on the USS KITTY HAWK (2007).
“Behavior Modification 101.” Presented five times to Medical Staff, Camp Commanders, and Detainee Guard Staff at GTMO, Cuba (2005-2006)
“Borderline Personality Disorder” presented to Family Practice Residents at Pensacola Navy Hospital, Pensacola FL (2005).
“Narcissistic Personality Disorder” presented to Family Practice Residents at Pensacola Navy Hospital, Pensacola FL (2005).
“Suicide Awareness” Presented topic four times at orientation seminars at Naval Medical Center Portsmouth, VA (2004).
“Motivational Interviewing” Presentation conducted to train Miami VA Mental Health Department’s psychiatrists and psychologists in the foundations of motivational interviewing (2002).
“Substance Abuse and College Students”. Presentation was conducted to train Resident Advisors from Nova Southeastern University and Florida Atlantic University during summer training in 2001.
“Stress Management”. Presentation provided master and doctoral level students living on campus at Nova Southeastern University in November 2001 with information concerning their reaction to stress, as well as relaxation techniques to modulate stress in their lives.
Poster presented at the Association for Advancement of Behavior Therapy Annual Convention, New Orleans, LA, November, 2000. The Internet: Assessing the Evidential Basis for Alcohol Abuse Intervention Websites.
Poster presented at the Southeastern Psychological Associations Annual Convention, Mobile, AL, 1998. Sensation-seeking, Advertising, and Persuasion.
Teaching Experience:
Central Texas College
-Associate Psychology Professor, 2007 to 2008
-Instructed 12 sections of General Psychology
Nova Southeastern University
-Doctoral Level Teaching Assistant-Integrated Report, Fall 2002
-Instructed lessons regarding MMPI-2, BAI, BDI-II, BHS, SCID-II, Folstein Mini Mental
Health Exam, OPQ, Meyers-Briggs, and psychological assessment writing
University of North Florida, Honors Program
-Teacher Assistant/Mentor for undergraduate honors program
-Teacher Assistant in Applied Research, 1996
-Teacher Assistant in Service Learning, 1997
Honors and Awards:
40 Under 40 Awardee, Jacksonville Business Journal, 2012
Navy and Marine Corps Commendation Medal, 2008
Overseas Service Medal, 2007
Navy and Marine Corps Commendation Medal, 2006
Sea Service Medal, 2006
Joint Task Force Commendation Medal, 2005
Meritorious Unit Commendation Medal, 2005
Global War on Terrorism Expeditionary Medal, 2005
Meritorious Unit Commendation Medal, 2005
Global War on Terrorism Service Medal, 2005
Navy and Marine Corps Achievement Medal, 2005
Graduated Doctoral program, Summa Cum Laude, 2004.
Small Arms Marksman, 2004
Rifle Marksman, 2004
National Defense Medal, 2003
NSU Student/Employee of the year, Women’s Resource Institute, 2001
Baccalaureate of Arts with Summa Cum Laude,1997
Dean’s List, University of North Florida, 1995-1997
Honors in the Major (UNF)
Honor Societies:
Psi Chi, National Honor Society in Psychology, past member
Phi Kappa Phi, National Honor Society, past member
Featured Psychologist on Killer Kids, The Lifetime Network, 2013
Featured Psychologist on My Strange Addiction, The Learning Channel, 2012
Featured in Florida Doctor Magazine, 2009
Featured in The Monitor Magazine, American Psychological Association, 2007
Continuing Educational Credits beginning in 2008:
October 30, 2015, Forensic and Correctional Applications of the Personality Assessment Inventory (PAI)
October 29, 2015, Custody Evaluations: Advanced Topics, American Academy of Forensic Psychology (7.0)
October 28, 2015, Custody Evaluations: The Essentials, American Academy of Forensic Psychology (7.0)
November 14-15, 2014, Introduction to Emotionally Focused Therapy, Dr. Sue Johnson (2 day workshop)
September 4-6, 2014, Florida Forensic Examiner Training, Miami-Dade AHEC, Inc. (22.50)
May 13, 2014, Effects Of Marriage On Health: A Synthesis Of Research (4 CE), AATBS (4.0)
May 13, 2014, Effects of Parenthood on Marriage, AATBS (6.0)
May 11, 2014, Parental Alienation Syndrome and Parental Alienation, AATBS (1.0)
May 4, 2014, Florida Psychology CE Requirements: Combo-Pack with Domestic Violence One, Program Services (7.0)
February 21, 2014, Equal Time-Sharing: Is it Presumptively Best? FLAFCC Forum Examining Both Sides of the Issue, Dr. Carol L. Clark (6.0)
November 25, 2013, The Couples Conference: Attachment, Differentiation & Neuroscience in Couples Therapy, CMI Education Institute, Inc. (17.0)
May 15, 2012, Florida Psychology CE Requirements: Combo-Pack with Domestic Violence One, Program Services (7.0)
March 15, 2012, Level 1-Bridging the Couple Chasm: Gottman Method Couples Therapy, CMI Education Institute, Inc . (11.0)
December 29, 2011, Counseling for Couples: Understanding and Improving Love Relationships, Cross Country Education (6.0)
December 29, 2011, Positive Parenting with a Plan: How to Empower Parents with Challenging Children and Adolescents, Cross Country Education (6.0)
November 7, 2010, Expert Testimony and Report Writing, American Academy of Forensic Psychology (7.0)
November 6, 2010, Managing Violence Risk, American Academy of Forensic Psychology (7.0)
November 5, 2010, The MMPI-2-RF: An Advanced Workshop for Forensic Psychologists, American Academy of Forensic Psychology (7.0)
November 4, 2010, MMPI-2-RF (Restructured Form): An Introduction for Forensic Psychologists, American Academy of Forensic Psychology (7.0)
November 3, 2010, Advanced Topics in Criminal Forensic Evaluation, American Academy of Forensic Psychology (7.0)
May 21, 2010, Florida Psychology CE Requirements: Combo-Pack for License Renewal (Medical Errors, Professional Ethics and Laws and Rules of the Board), Program Services (5.0)
March 28, 2010, Advanced Child Custody Issues, American Academy of Forensic Psychology (7.0)
March 27, 2010, Introduction to Child Custody & Parenting Evaluations, American Academy of Forensic Psychology (7.0)
February 11-14, 2010, EEG Biofeedback Comprehensive Training Course, Harold Burke, Ph.D. (36.0)
October 11, 2009, Taking Psychology Practice Back (General Session), John Caccavale, Ph.D., M.S. (2.0)
October 11, 2009, Developing a Successful Forensic Practice, David Clayman, Ph.D. (4.0)
October 10, 2009, Where We Are and Where We Need to Go. (Keynote Address) , Dr. Nicholas Cummings (2.0)
October 10, 2009, Medical Psy. And Behavioral Health Part II, James Howard Rubin, Ph.D., M.D. etal (2.0)
October 10, 2009, Integrating Neurofeedback into Behavioral Health, Harold Burke, Ph.D. (2.0)
August 27-29, 2009, Parenting Coordination Training, Deborah Sutherland, Ph.D. (20.0)
April 27, 2009, Play Therapy and Beyond: Treatment Techniques and Strategies, Jeannine Staudt, Greg D. Greene (6.0)
April 15, 2009, Nebraska Mental Health Centers, P.C.: Custody Evaluations, Matthew B.R. Nessetti, Ph.D., ABMP (10.0)
March 31, 2009, “Serving Those Who Have Served” Working with Service Members and Military Families: Assessment and Treatment of Deployment Stress Responses- Part II, Charles V. Kerekes, LMFT, LMHC, CAP, Barbara D. Bishop, EdD, LMHC (7.2)
June 13, 2008, Nebraska Mental Health Centers, P.C.: Conducting and Writing Neuropsychological Evaluations, Matthew B.R. Nessetti, Ph.D., AMBP (10.0)
September 24, 2008, Continuing Education Program at Brooks Rehabilitation Hospital, William Perlstein, Ph.D. (1.5)
June 5, 2008, Mastering Medical Terminology for Psychologists, John Caccavale, Ph.D., M.S. (10.0)
January 31, 2008, Florida Psychology CE Requirements: Combo-Pack with Domestic Violence, Program Services (7.0)