Best Wedding Venues in Tennessee

Tennessee Premarital Preparation Online CourseWelcome to the Official Tennessee Premarital Preparation Course! We are excited to help you take this next step toward marital bliss. Be sure to check out the best wedding venues in Tennessee down below. 

Why Our Tennessee Premarital Course Is So Awesome

Welcome to our fully online, self-paced Tennessee premarital preparation course. My name is Dr. Justin D’Arienzo. I am a board-certified clinical psychologist and relationship expert. We have been helping couples make a smooth marital transition with our premarital course since 2013. We have streamlined this process to make it educational and fun for you and your partner. Research shows that couples that take a premarital course are happier and more fruitful than couples that do not take a premarital course.

How It Works

  1. Go to and click on the courses tab. Find the Tennessee premarital course tab and click on it.
  2. Click on the click here to purchase button on our Tennessee premarital course page. Use our fully secure payment portal to purchase our course for $27.97.
  3. Upon payment, we will send you a login and password for course access to your email address.
  4. After logging in, you have 30 days to complete your course. Tennessee requires that you spend at least 4 hours on the course.
  5. After this, you will be prompted to complete a final questionnaire.
  6. After you and your partner finish the questionnaire, our office will start to process and mail you your certificate.

Best Wedding Venues in Tennessee

Tennessee Premarital Preparation Course, Davidson County, Tennessee Cheekwood Wedding

1. Cheekwood, Nashville, Tennesee

Tennessee Premarital Preparation Course, Williamson County, Tennessee, Homestead Manor Wedding

2.Homestead Manor, Thompson’s Station, Tennessee

Tennesee Premarital Preparation Course, McMinn County, Tennesee, Ramble Creek Vineyard Wedding

3. Ramble Creek Vineyard – Nashville, Tennessee

Tennessee Premarital Preparation Course, Blount County, Tennessee, RT Lodge Wedding

4. RT Lodge – Maryville, Tennessee


Tennessee Premarital Preparation Course, Davidson County, Tennessee, The Cordelle Wedding

5. The Cordelle – Nashville, Tennessee