Best Wedding Venues in Texas

New Price: $23.97 per couple

Twogether in Texas Premarital Course online

Best Wedding Venues in Texas

Hi and welcome to our Official TwogetherinTexas Premarital Preparation Course. D’Arienzo Psychology has hand-selected the best wedding venues in Texas and listed them below.

Why Our Texas Premarital Course Is So Awesome

My name is Dr. Justin D’Arienzo and I will be your TwogetherinTexas course instructor. I am a licensed clinical psychologist and relationship expert. We have been providing this course for soon to be newlyweds since 2013. I have streamlined this process to ensure that it is easy and enjoyable for you and your partner. Research shows that taking our course increases your chances of marital success. When you complete our course, we will issue you a premarital certificate. In addition, you will save $60.00 off your Texas marriage license. We are excited to help you prepare for this next step toward a lifetime of marital bliss.

How it Works

  1. First, Go to and purchase our TwogetherinTexas course through our secure portal for only $23.97
  2. After that, we will automatically send you a course link and password to your email.
  3.  Upon finishing the coursework, you will complete a final quiz.
  4. When you submit your quiz, our office staff will be notified and begin processing and emailing you your certificate.
  5. If you finish within business hours, you will receive your certificate within 24 business hours.
  6. Lastly, take your certificate to your local Texas county courthouse to receive $60.00 off your marriage license.
  7. For more information, check out our Texas Premarital blog or course information page

Best Wedding Venues in Texas

Texas Premarital Preparation Course, Hunt County, Texas Wedding

  1. The White Sparrow Barn – Quinlan, Texas

Texas Premarital Preparation Course, Bexar County, Texas Wedding

2. Hotel Havana – San Antonio, Texas

Texas Premarital Preparation Course, Hays County, Texas Wedding

3. Ma Maison – Dripping Springs, Texas

Texas Premarital Preparation Course, Comal County Wedding

4. Greune Estate – New Braunfels, Texas

Texas Premarital Preparation Course, Travis County, Texas Wedding

5. Barr Mansion and Artisan Ballroom –Austin, Texas