Okay, guys, he are real signs and examples that someone has been cheating straight from the psychologist’s couch. These examples have been altered slightly to protect those who exercised these behaviors, and know that I’ve (Dr. Justin D’Arienzo) heard all these examples many times from multiple patients. There are definite patterns of behavior related to infidelity that humans typically exercise.
There are four cues that occur in response to an anger-provoking event: physical, behavioral, emotional, and cognitive. Identifying and coping with these cues are crucial in anger management. These cues are a warning sign that prove you’ve become angry or your anger is escalating. To learn more on effective anger management strategies, take one of Dr. D’Arienzo’s online Anger Management Courses.
In order to break the anger habit, you must become aware of what triggers your anger. These triggers can be events, circumstances, or behaviors that provoke you to become angry. There are two strategies for controlling your anger: immediate and preventative strategies. Dr. D’Arienzo also offers two online Anger Management Courses for more strategies and information. Click here to read more on controlling and breaking your anger!
Anger is a natural response which ranges from mild irritation to fury and rage. Prolonged and frequent feelings of anger are destructive to the body physically, mentally, and emotionally. There are numerous negative consequences and problems when you express your anger inappropriately or too intensely. Dr. D’Arienzo can help teach you to manage your anger and get control of your life. By taking one of his online Anger Management Courses, you can effectively limit and manage your episodes of anger.
Each family has some history of dealing with anger. Some families resort to aggression, and others resort to passivity. Your family history impacts how you manage anger as an adult. Click here to find out how your family history impacted your anger.
Dr. D’Arienzo outlines how to be assertive In section 7 of our Level 2 Anger Management Course. Assertiveness is the middle ground between aggression and passivity. Assertiveness is a healthy way to manage conflict. Click here to learn how to be assertive.
Dr. D’Arienzo outlines different anger management strategies in Section 3 of our Online Anger Management Course. This section goes over strategies that you can add to your personalized anger management plan. Click here to learn more about our Anger Management Course and how you can control anger.
Dr. D’Arienzo is a Board Certified Clinical Psychologist and Anger Management Expert. Dr. D’Arienzo developed a fully online, fully automated four-hour and eight-hour anger management course. This course is chalked full of exercises and educational material to help you identify and manage your anger. Purchase 4 hour Level 1 Anger Management Course for $29.99 or our 8 hour Level 2 Anger Management Course for $49.99.
We have to learn how to cope with our angry feelings rather than letting anger rule us. In section one of Dr. D’Arienzo’s Online Anger Management course, we discuss how to identify anger myths. Dismantling myths about anger can help you effectively deal with angry emotions. Click here to learn more about anger myths and how to cope with anger.
Many people believe that angry employees are a negative thing. In this article, we discuss how to handle an angry employee. Despite common beliefs, anger can be a catalyst for some of the most transformational conversations in the workplace. Click here to read more about how anger outbursts can be a good thing.