Our Psychologist Dr. Justin D’Arienzo conducted a study during the COVID-19 pandemic. Dr. D’Arienzo wanted to understand how ready individuals are to return to work. Dr. D’Arienzo found that most of us are biased self-evaluators and biased other-evaluators, and according to this survey, we think it is more okay for us personally to return to work than for the public. We at D’Arienzo Psychology, are fortunate to be able to continue to be working and assisting those struggling with this sudden lifestyle and economic pause.
The COVID-19 pandemic has created a lot of uncertainty. Despite the uncertainty, Americans have come together during unprecedented times. Understanding how we think, feel, and behave when faced with a significant crisis like a pandemic that challenges global social order is crucial if we want to avoid past mistakes and effectively work together as a global people using kindness, reason, science, and technology to eradicate this disease. This article discusses the psychological phases of fear and panic, stigma and moralizing, and calls to action that move in sometimes messy and destructive waves.
Many people believe that angry employees are a negative thing. In this article, we discuss how to handle an angry employee. Despite common beliefs, anger can be a catalyst for some of the most transformational conversations in the workplace. Click here to read more about how anger outbursts can be a good thing.
Are you or someone you know dealing with an angry teenager? We all know a teenager who can be kind of aggressive sometimes, and yet we tend to blame this aggressiveness on factors like hormones and undeveloped areas of the brain that deal with emotional regulation. However, based on some recent research findings, there may be a little more at play here than hormones. Click here to learn more about how you can help your teen.
Generalized anxiety disorder is a condition that is categorized as persistent fear or worry. One study sought out to find if anxiety and anger are related. Recent research has identified a possible link between anger and anxiety. Click here to learn more.
Recent crime trends suggest that gun violence is an ongoing issue in America. Gun violence has more to do with anger and ease of gun access rather than psychiatric issues. It was found that a whopping nine percent of anger related tendencies had easy access to guns, and these individuals are rarely diagnosed with mental illness. Mental illness and gun violence rarely overlap with one another.
Are you a parent? Do you often find yourself using the term ‘Babysitting’ when referring to watching over your children? In this video, Dr. D’Arienzo discusses why you should not use this terminology when referring to parenting.
On November 1, 2019, Dr. D’Arienzo spoke to the 400 male high school students at the Bolles School in Jacksonville, Florida. The topic was mental health and how to talk to a friend that is experiencing psychological problems. Dr. D’Arienzo also outlined how to identify psychological problems within yourself, and how to understand our personality profiles. Click here to learn more.
Do you need help in your current relationship? Jenny Lehman is our Licensed Clinical Social Worker and Relationship Coach. Lehman is dedicated to helping couples overcome obstacles in their relationships. Click here to learn more about relationship coaching.
Cole Asset Management We want to tell you a bit out our Jacksonville Psychologist, Dr. Justin D’Arienzo. Following a six year tour in the Navy he decided to set up a private psychology practice in North East Florida based on his family and his wife’s family residing in Jacksonville, Florida. Following the Navy, he briefly […]