Counseling in Jacksonville, FL that deals with Financial Stress

Counseling in Jacksonville, FL that deals with Financial Stress

As a practicing psychologist, one of the most frequent presenting problems is financial stress whether the session is individual therapy, couples counseling, or marital therapy.

I’m often asked, “What type of impact can financial stress have on someone’s overall life?” We know from the research that not having enough money to make ends meet can have a dramatic impact on our happiness, relationships, and how we cope with other stressors. When people can’t pay their bills or perceive they may have difficulty paying their bills, other challenges seem to be even more difficult. Recent psychological surveys have found that financial stress is currently being experienced by most Americans given our Nation’s current economic challenges and counseling jacksonville FL can help.

Trouble occurs when individuals chose unhealthy behaviors to deal with financial stress. In response, people may overeat, drink or use drugs, gamble, become overly aggressive with others, or even spend more money to cope with an already depleted wallet.

The best way to cope with financial stress is first to honestly appraise your financial situation and then fully acknowledge that you are having financial problems. Next, communicate with your partner regarding the level of your financial woes, agree on a budget and take action, and then deal with stress in a healthy manner. I would recommend continued communication with your partner or other person of support, exercise, engaging in inexpensive activities like visiting a park, 8 hours of sleep, meeting with a financial counselor, and only purchasing necessary items.

Professional help is available for someone who is having a hard time coping with financial stress? Finding quality professional psychological help can be a challenge if you are having financial problems based on it being difficult to pay for these services; however, there are some professionals that offer a sliding scale for services. Alternative help would be through a debt counselor, minister, or friend whom has overcome similar problems.

We live in a world of entitlement, so many have financial problems that historically would not. In my practice, I treat many people whom report excessive financial difficulties and strain yet they have an I-phone, a 3,000 sq/ft home, multiple gaming systems and computers for the children, and a BMW yet their income is just over the poverty level.  In my experience, many people with financial challenges have a problem with priorities that leads to financial difficulties. A cultural shift rather than professional help is what the doctor orders.

About the author: Dr. D’Arienzo is a Board Certified Clinical Psychologist in private practice located in Jacksonville, Florida. He began his career as a Navy Psychologist. Highlighting his naval career was being the Joint Task Force, Joint Medical Group, Director of Psychology Services for the detainees in Guantanamo Bay, Cuba. Also highlighting his career was being the Carrier Strike Group Psychologist for the USS KITTY HAWK forward deployed in Yokosuka, Japan. Following his 5 year stint in the Navy, he has been operating a quickly growing clinical and forensic psychology private practice for 3 years.


Counseling Jacksonville-the best way to keep relationships healthy and strong

It is an undeniable fact that every person in this world is bound in some way or another in a relationship. This relationship can either be between him and his life-partner or between him and his colleagues. In both cases the person has to keep his relationships healthy and strong if he wants to remain happy and contented in his life. It is a fact of life that people who have strong and healthy relationships are always happier and more cheerful than others. So, if you want to live a happy, cheerful and contented life then you too have to keep your relationships strong and healthy.

However, keeping any relationship healthy is not as easy a job as one expects. Since every man has his own set of values and thinking patterns, he might develop a difference of opinion with his fellows and relatives. This difference of opinion if not kept under check can grow in to an argument which can end up destroying a perfectly happy relationship. In order to keep the relationship from entering any such phases a person has to understand, respect and accept the people around him as they are. Only by doing this can a person keep his relationships healthy and strong and can lead a happy and contented life.

One way of keeping a relationship healthy and strong is to seek the help of a professional relationship counselor. The advice of a counselor can help a person a great deal in recognizing the problems that might affect his relationship with his colleagues or his life-partner. Counseling Jacksonville provides the best opportunity for people living in Jacksonville to kick start their fading relationships whether they are between couples or between employees in an office. So, if you are in Jacksonville and want to fix up your relationship with your wife or colleagues at work then consult a counselor at your earliest.