Counseling Jacksonville News with Dr. Justin A. D’Arienzo

Counseling Jacksonville FL News with Dr. Justin A. D’Arienzo

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Scars of War, Fox Action News, February 2012

The Power of Positive Thought, Health Source Magazine, April 2011

Counseling in Jacksonville, What do Psychologists Do?

Counseling in Jacksonville, Fl for Financial Stress

Marriage Counseling, How and Why Love Lasts

How to Cope with Financial Stress, Associated Content from Yahoo, February 2011

Community Leaders Say Listening to Military Soldiers’ Stories is Key to Prevent Suicide, June 2010 (video)

Beginning High School Brings Excitement, Worries, Times Union, AUG 2009

APA Monitor, June 2009

Surviving the Economy, Health Source Magazine, April 2009

Florida Doctor, March 2009 Edition

GTMO Psychologist Article, Folio Weekly, January 2009

New Year’s Resolutions, Health Source Magazine, January 2009

American Psychological Association’s Monitor Magazine, September 2007

UNF Spring Journal, 2007

National Alliance of Professional Psychology Providers, March 2007

Dr. Justin A. D’Arienzo

Diplomate, American Board of Professional Psychology & Fellow, American Academy of Clinical Psychology


Counseling Jacksonville Fl-Helping couples to reconcile

Relationships are part and parcel of our life and the color of our lives is all due to relationships. The relationship that is the most important and fragile in our lives is marriage. Marriage is a relationship that needs compromises from both husband and wife, as both their lives as well as that of their children depends upon the continuity of their relationship. With so much riding on the well being of the relationship it is important that proper counseling is sought in case any problem arises between the couples.

When two people from different backgrounds, with different beliefs and values live together, it is only natural that conflicts and differences would be present among them. In order for a healthy relationship to thrive between couples, it is important to accommodate these differences. As a couple, married people should realize that the most important thing for the well being of their relationship is that they understand each other. In counseling Jacksonville, most counselors advise married couples to keep having discussions on different topics between themselves. This is because most differences arise between couples due to making uniformed expectations of each other. Another important thing they advice is to accept and understand the negative traits of their partner’s character as there is no one in the world who is absolutely perfect.

Many general advices are given by counselors to couples so that their minor differences do not turn into bitter arguments. The most important among them is that when differences arise among couples, they should hear each other before jumping to conclusions. Apart from giving general advice to the couple in order to reduce tensions between them in general communication, they also hold specific sessions with both the partners. In these sessions it is important that both the partners are present, so that both of them can utilize the experience from these sessions to strengthen their overall relationship.