Marriage Counseling

Marriage and Couples Counseling Jacksonville, FL

Couples are often reluctant to seek out marriage therapy or couples counseling. They feel that there is a stigma attached to seeing a professional for help with their marriage or partnership. The truth is that relationships become incredibly complex when people’s lives intertwine. Though we all want to feel close to our partners, have great sex, and easy communication, all kinds of things impact and erode those areas in our relationships. Most people don’t have the skills to sort through the issues once they become all tangled up and complicated. That is when the help of a professional such as Dr. D’Arienzo, marriage counselor and couples therapist working in the Jacksonville area, can be invaluable. As a trained psychologist and relationship expert, Dr. D’Arienzo has the knowledge and expertise to help tease out the most challenging issues.

Dr. D’Arienzo has helped scores of couples overcome many of the typical problems that marriages face. In practice for more than 14 years, Dr. D’Arienzo has successfully counseled couples navigating issues as challenging as:

  • Stress due to financial issues
  • Infidelity
  • Communication issues
  • Divorce
  • Differing spousal parenting strategies
  • Problems with intimacy
  • Growing apart as children grow older and circumstances change
  • Balancing relationship needs with the demands of work and life
  • High conflict in the relationship

Working with Dr. D’Arienzo, a couple can really look at the patterns that have formed in their relationship – the first step to deepening intimacy. Although change does not happen overnight because humans are creatures of habit, marriage counseling with Dr. D’Arienzo will all about shining the light of awareness onto the challenging situation.

Dr. D’Arienzo has seen couples turn lackluster and stressful relationships around to become places where each can feel nurtured and both can thrive. He has witnessed how stagnant love can start to flow and grow again. If you and your partner think that your relationship can deepen and become more fulfilling than it is now, then contact Dr. D’Arienzo today for a consultation.

Articles by Dr. D’Arienzo

Effective Methods of Communication for Couples Article (Click Here)

Qualities of a Satisfying Marriage Article (Click Here)