Divorce shares very similar patters of grief when losing a loved one to death. With the help of Kubler Ross, Paul Bohannan, and Stanley Hagemeyer, a collection of divorce phases has been created to move you through the emotional processes of divorce. Though every divorce is unique, these models lead to a divorcing persons transformation from their married to new independent self. Dr. D’Arienzo, after working with thousands of divorcing and divorced individuals, is able to get you to the point of being adaptable to the single life, independent, and self-supportive. Take one of our divorce courses or high conflict courses to improve your coparenting relationship.
The Golden Egg March 21, 2022 Have you ever heard of the golden egg? It must be protected at all costs. Think about nearly every romantic fairytale you’ve ever heard of, talked about or that’s been written – regardless of culture. If we drill down to the root of the story, it’s about a wealthy […]
Alcohol-induced blackouts are a common occurrence in the criminal justice system. The inability of a defendant to remember their actions while under the influence of alcohol poses a problem for the court.
I’m amazed at what goes viral too, Real Time with Bill Maher! Thank you for thinking my video was funny enough to highlight during your first show with a live audience in two years!! You’d think the advice was a no brainer but lots of couples struggle to know when it’s time to move on! Follow me on TikTok @dr.justindarienzo to learn more (obvious) relationship tips!!
Hi! Dr. D’Arienzo here! My passion is helping people one person at a time but my dream has always been to help people on a massive scale – that’s why I started posting mental health & relationship advice on TikTok. It is truly a dream come true that New York Post AND The Sun AND The UK METRO AND msn.com AND The JJREPORT saw my content & shared it with the world! Follow along on my journey @dr.justindarienzo on TikTok – this is just the beginning!!
Establishing Limits on Kids Technology Use March 9, 2022 Why is establishing limits on kids technology use so important?! Well, kids little brains are more susceptible to social influence than adults. Starting around the age of 10 to 12, children’s brains undergo a major shift that causes them to seek social rewards – which means […]
Improve Your Love Life February 8, 2022 Sex. It’s just like money. If you don’t have enough of it in your relationship, you’re really unhappy. What’s really interesting about sex, though, is researchers used to think more of it would lead to greater happiness. In reality, you will max out at happiness at a certain […]
Are you getting engaged on Valentine’s Day? Valentine’s Day is unlike any other day for solidifying a relationship by betting engaged. Fortunately, in addition to making this a special day, we offer a video interactive premarital preparation course that includes a discount on your marriage license and in many states and the option to avoid the three day wait to be married. It makes the day a permanent memory for a couple and certainly helps the guy in remembering the engagement anniversary for years to come.
The Eye of the Storm January 26, 2022 A few weeks ago, I was in the kitchen and my daughter Julia – who is in the eleventh grade – entered and she was on the verge of tears. She said “Dad, I’m so overwhelmed about exams. I have so much to study and I think […]
Overcoming Traumatic Memories January 12, 2021 Trauma and Post Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD) have received increasing attention in recent years. Trauma occurs when one is exposed to a distressing event. Individuals who have experienced a traumatic event can often have troubling and distressing symptoms – resulting in the diagnosis of PTSD. These symptoms can include […]