Generalized anxiety disorder is a condition that is categorized as persistent fear or worry. One study sought out to find if anxiety and anger are related. Recent research has identified a possible link between anger and anxiety. Click here to learn more.
Recent crime trends suggest that gun violence is an ongoing issue in America. Gun violence has more to do with anger and ease of gun access rather than psychiatric issues. It was found that a whopping nine percent of anger related tendencies had easy access to guns, and these individuals are rarely diagnosed with mental illness. Mental illness and gun violence rarely overlap with one another.
Many people make New Year’s resolutions. Dr. D’Arienzo discusses the psychology of New Year’s resolutions. Click here to learn more about the psychology of failed and successful resolutions.
Dr. Justin D’Arienzo is a Board Certified Clinical Psychologist since 2008. Less than 5% of clinical psychologists are board-certified. If you are looking for a Board Certified Clinical Psychologist for your legal or clinical psychology, D’Arienzo Psychology is right for you. Click here to view Dr. D’Arienzo’s specialty board certification letter.
Dr. D’Arienzo is a proud member of Vistage Florida since 2018. Vistage Florida is an organization for CEO’s and presidents of companies. Are you interested in joining Vistage? Click here to learn more about he world’s leading business advisory and executive coaching organization.
Are you recently engaged? Have you been asking yourself if you should be getting married? Dr. D’Arienzo explains two predictive factors that lead to marital success. Click here to find out if you should be getting married and to learn more about our premarital course.
How do you know if your relationship is nearing the end? There are four key events that one experiences or does when their partner is unconsciously or consciously planning to vacate the relationship. In this article, Dr. D’Arienzo discusses how you can identify if your relationship is nearing the end. If you are experiencing any of these issues discussed, it is time to start to communicate with your partner.
How often do men and women think about sex? Our culture suggests that men think about sex every 7 seconds. Dr. D’Arienzo did some research to find out if this is true. You can read about Dr. D’Arienzo’s findings here. If your relationship needs a boost in any way, D’Arienzo Psychology is here to help you.
Dr. D’Arienzo is a Board Certified Clinical Psychologist and the president of D’Arienzo Psychology. In 2019, Dr. D’Arienzo won the top sport for being the best Psychologist in Jacksonville, Florida. Not only did Dr. D’Arienzo win once in 2019, but twice!
What is the Relationship Saving 30 Minute Rule for Effective Communication? If you do not have effective communication skills, you and your partner might be entering into a fight or flight each time you try to discuss sensitive issues. In this article, Dr. D’Arienzo discusses the saving rule for effective communication. Learn proper self management and save your love today!