Okay, guys, he are real signs and examples that someone has been cheating straight from the psychologist’s couch. These examples have been altered slightly to protect those who exercised these behaviors, and know that I’ve (Dr. Justin D’Arienzo) heard all these examples many times from multiple patients. There are definite patterns of behavior related to infidelity that humans typically exercise.
What is Parenting Coordination? Parenting Coordination is a child-focused alternative dispute resolution process that helps parents resolve conflicts related to parenting plans, custody, and visitation arrangements. It involves a trained professional, usually a licensed mental health professional or attorney, who acts as a neutral third-party to assist parents in making decisions regarding their children. […]
Dr. D’Arienzo was recently featured in a GQ Magazine Article about location-sharing in a relationship. The article discusses that some couples might encourage location-sharing for safety concerns. Other couples might think that location-sharing oversteps boundaries. Dr. D’Arienzo weighs in and explains that location-sharing can be healthily or unhealthy depending on how couples use it.
The concept of a midlife crisis is a well known problem that seems to occur during, well, around the middle of someone’s life. The midlife crisis can be defined as ‘personal turmoil and sudden changes in personal goals and lifestyle’ (Collin, 1979). Many people associate death of a friend or family member as a cause.
5 Myths About Your Marriage People often have misconceptions about what it takes to maintain a strong marriage. Movies and fairy tales portray marriage as a relationship between two people where love conquers all. And while love is one of the foundations to a good marriage, it takes more than that to avoid problems, stress […]
By reading the article, you will learn about Diaphragmatic Breathing (DB), Progressive Muscle Relaxation (PMR) and Mindfulness. Each strategy is discussed with empirically based research confirming that each technique is effective in enhancing your ability to manage your emotions and anger. The article was edited by Dr. Justin D’Arienzo, Licensed Psychologist (Forensic and Clinical Psychologist) and Anger Management Expert.
Work, childcare, cooking, housework, sleep. Something missing from your daily schedule? Maybe it’s your marriage. Maintaining a healthy marriage isn’t just about getting along, it’s about enjoying your time together. If you’re feeling more and more distant from your spouse, it could be time to put marriage back on the schedule. Here are some tips to help you set aside and enjoy time with your spouse.
Check out our advertisements for the Resident and Daily Records Newspapers for the San Jose, San Marco, and St. Nickolas areas of Jacksonville, Florida that will be running through December 2023 regarding attorney services at D’Arienzo Psychology. In addition to providing comprehensive psychological care, we also provide a host of forensic psychological services to include forensic psychological evaluations, social investigations, parenting coordination, court-martial consultation and testimony, divorce coaching, social investigations, family mediation, parenting plan evaluations, mitigation evaluations, psychosexual evaluations, expert testimony and consultation, and trial preparation assistance.
Want to see if divorce coaching is right for you? Ms. Cynthia Salameh, attorney and certified Florida Supreme Court Family Mediator practices at D’Arienzo Psychology as a qualified parenting coordinator and divorce coach. Give us a call today at (904) 379-8094 to get started!
Positive psychology is a reemerging branch of psychology that focuses on the idea that people naturally desire meaningful and fulfilling lives. This branch of psychology has three main pillars: positive experiences, positive individual traits, and positive institutions. After Martin Seligman launched this new field of psychology in 1988, psychologists around the world started experimenting to discover what makes people happy. One longitudinal study of 1500 individuals discovered certain aspects that were commonly found in a meaningful life, which includes helping others, having an enjoyable career, and receiving social support.