Cost of a Minnesota Marriage License
A marriage license in the state of Minnesota generally costs $115.00. However, your marriage license fee is only $40.00 if you complete a 12-hour premarital education program. D’Arienzo Psychology offers a fully online Minnesota Premarital Education Program to help you prepare for marriage and to save money on your Minnesota Marriage license.
Here is How it Works:
- You are required to present the following items when applying for your marriage license:
- Proof of age. You must be 18 or older to apply for a marriage license in Minnesota. Proof of age includes birth certificate, driver’s license, etc.
- Both parties must be present to apply for your license.
- You must provide the courthouse with your full legal name, address, telephone number, and social security number.
- Payment. A Minnesota marriage license costs $115.oo. Your marriage license cost will decrease to $40.00 if you complete an online premarital education course. You must present your course certificate to your county courthouse during your marriage license application appointment.
Why You Should Take Dr. D’Arienzo’s Online Minnesota Premarital Education Course
Couples who take our Minnesota Premarital Education Course are more satisfied than couples who do not take our premarital education course. Our course is chalked full of useful and fun activities. You and your partner will learn more about each other and have fun doing so. Dr. Justin D’Arienzo is our Board-Certified Clinical Psychologist and National Relationship Expert. He has offered this course since 2013 and has continued to perfect it ever since. Not only is our course the best quality, but it is also the cheapest Minnesota online premarital preparation course.
If you are looking for a course that will equip you with the tools to lead a successful marriage, save money on your marriage license, and have fun, then you are in the right place.
Purchase Minnesota Premarital Education Course for $30.00 Per Couple Here