How Much Does It Cost To Get Married in Oklahoma?

Oklahoma Premarital Counseling

New Lower Price: $17.97 per Couple

Cost of an Oklahoma Marriage License

An Oklahoma Marriage License costs $50.00 and only $5.00 if you complete a premarital counseling program. You must present your original Oklahoma certificate to the courthouse to honor your discount. D’Arienzo Psychology offers a fully online Oklahoma Premarital Preparation Course for couples tying the knot in Oklahoma. Upon course completion, we will mail you your signed and notarized course certificate of completion.

Here’s How it Works:

  • You will need to bring the following items to your marriage license appointment:
  • Proof of age. (You must be 18 or older to apply for a marriage license in Oklahoma) If you are younger, you must have parent or guardian permission.
  • If you are previously divorced, you must be separated for six months before applying for your marriage license.
  • Payment. If you have not taken a premarital preparation course, your marriage license will cost $50.00. If you have completed a premarital preparation course, bring your signed and notarized certificate to the courthouse. When you present your course certificate, your marriage license fee will be $5.00.

Why You Should Take Dr. D’Arienzo’s Online Premarital Preparation Course

At D’Arienzo Psychology, we want you to be prepared for a lifetime of marital bliss and success.  Dr. Justin D’Arienzo is our Board-Certified Clinical Psychologist and Relationship Expert. Dr. D’Arienzo prepared a fully online Oklahoma Premarital Education Course. He has tweaked and perfected this course since. 2013 to include the most valuable information for couples to grow and learn about each other.

Do you want to feel well prepared to lead a successful marriage? Do you want to save $45.00 on your Oklahoma marriage license?  If you answered yes to any of these questions, then our course is right for you.


Click here to learn more about our Online Oklahoma Premarital Counseling Course     $17.97 Per Couple