Help Yourself Control Your Anger by Taking an Anger Management Course
How to control your anger is a common topic that is presented to me as a treating psychologist. Life is full of stress and other people that seem to not know how to drive, position themselves in the incorrect line at the supermarket, or treat us with disrespect for no apparent reason. It is our reaction to this behavior that is important and not what other people do to us or events that happen to us. I am not discounting that you may be experiencing a very difficult situation, but in order to control our anger, we have to be in control of ourselves and our own behavior.
When treating people for anger management problems I often begin with diaphragmatic breathing techniques and mindfulness. If one is able to control their breathing and are able to create the relaxation response, then they are able to control their bodies. I often say, “If you can control you breathing, you can control your body and mind. Also, about mindfulness, mindfulness is like active medication. It is the act of slowing down and being present in all the senses. When we are mindful, we are also more aware of our thoughts, feelings, and physical sensations. When we couple diaphragmatic breathing techniques and mindfulness, and we become practiced at both, we are well on our way to managing our anger.
There are many other ways to learn to deal with anger. In our online anger management courses you will gain a better understanding about the causes of anger, the specific vulnerabilities that you may have, the ability to identify triggers, and the ability to control your anger with our specific techniques. In addition to diaphragmatic breathing and mindfulness, our courses teach you scientifically proven cognitive behavioral techniques to manage your anger.
We hope that you will decide to utilize one of our anger management courses. Our four and eight hours courses have the same material, yet the eight hour course allows one to spend twice as much time learning and working through the material. Often individuals required or court ordered to complete eight hours of anger management complete our eight hour course. Most others complete our four hour anger management course.