Psychology and Counseling Center
Thank you for visiting our Jacksonville Counseling and Psychological Therapy Center. We offer Jacksonville, Florida and surrounding areas with the most premier counseling and therapy services, providing Jacksonville with the most credentialed therapists and counselors in the area. Our team consists of a licensed and a board-certified clinical psychologist, two clinical psychologists, a doctor of educational psychology and licensed clinical social worker, a licensed clinical social worker, and a licensed mental health counselor. We also have an attorney and parenting coordinator.
What Is Counseling?
Today, counseling is used interchangeably with psychotherapy, life coaching, and therapy. Although, originally, these therapeutic services described differing depths of psychotherapy, counseling and counselor have become the more popular terms to describe the service and the various providers who provide it. Further, we have used psychotherapy or therapy to describe what is used to treat more significant psychological difficulties, such as depression, anxiety, eating disorders, insomnia, or post-traumatic stress disorder. We used to use the term counseling to describe advice-giving, providing couples with direction about communication and improving their attitudes toward each other. Life coaching is typically the least intensive and describes individualized consultation that focuses on goal setting and maximizing strengths to accomplish those goals.
Individualized Counseling in Jacksonville at DPG
We know that people decide to seek counseling and therapy for many different reasons. Everyone is different and has unique characteristics that ultimately bring them to therapy. At D'Arienzo Psychological Group, we offer individualized psychological consultation, counseling, and therapy because we recognize that each person has a unique perspective that they bring when they meet us for counseling or therapy. We welcome the opportunity to address your individual and family therapy needs. If you are considering counseling in Jacksonville, FL or in the Northeast Florida region, we hope that you will consider one of our psychology doctors or counselors for counseling or therapy.