Myths About Anger

Posted by: erica

Myths About Anger

 Anger and Aggression are Always Associated with one Another

  • anger and aggression are not supposed to coincide with each other. We tend to believe that if we relieve our emotions, we are doing something right. Acting aggressively is not working on our emotions. Instead, we are choosing to postpone our aggression for another time.
  • Aggressive behavior is one of the only tools that we resort to when expressing anger. You have to start to find healthy tools for anger expression.
  • Healthy tools that help combat anger: assertive skills, positive self-talk, promoting rational beliefs. Taking anger management classes will help you learn when it is the right time to use specific tools.

People Must be Aggressive to Get What They Want

  • We tend to believe that we need an ultimatum to get what we want. We sometimes believe that we need to use aggression to manipulate situations to our advantage.
  • Assertiveness is the way to fix this problem. Assertiveness is the way that you can get what you want without acting aggressively. Assertiveness keeps everything focused on the situation and not on the people involved.

Anger is Inherited

  • If we believe that anger is inherited, that gives us no means to fix our anger. If you believe that anger is inherited, you have bought yourself a ticket to being angry for the rest of your life.
  • Studies show that anger is a learned process. Since anger is learned, it is something that we can unlearn. Not only is it something that we can unlearn, but we can also learn different ways to healthily cope with it.
  • Our mother or father might also be an angry person but that does not mean we inherit anger.

Venting Anger is Effective in Relieving Anger

  • For example, punching the wall, screaming into a pillow, etc. are ways you can vent anger. Venting anger gives the illusion of immediate relief.
  • This kind of relief is only temporary and results in more anger.

Breaking the Habit of Anger

Anger is Habitual

  • The longer we allow our irritation to manifest into anger, the more familiar the pattern becomes to us.
  • We stop thinking about anger, we just allow it to happen.
  • Our brain recognizes that we are irritated and allows us to return to that pattern.

How to Break this Habit

  • The first step is acknowledging your anger and recognizing it.
  • Acknowledgment alone is not enough to cure your angry emotions. In the next section, we will discuss how you can develop tools to break your angry habits.

Tools to Break this Habit

  • Start to recognize when your anger is escalating.
  • Try breathing exercises, thought-stopping, or taking a time out.
  • Use timeout when you notice that your anger is starting to escalate. Remove yourself from the situation and stop thinking about it.

The Anger Meter


Online Anger Management Courses

This section has a little preview of the rich information included in our Fully Online Anger Management Level 1 and Level 2 online courses. Both of our courses are chalked full of valuable information to help you identify and manage anger.

Looking for Level 1, Four Hour Online Anger Management

Looking for Level 2, Eight Hour Online Anger Management

Our courses are typically purchased for those seeking a court-ordered anger management course, or those required to take an anger management course as mandated by their employer. Our anger management courses are cognitive behaviorally based and designed by a board-certified clinical psychologist. Each course includes an official certificate of completion. Contact us at 904-379-8094 or at if more information is needed.