Okaloosa County Online Premarital Preparation Course

Okaloosa County Online Premarital Preparation Course, Wedding Venue and Marriage License Information

Welcome to the Okaloosa County Online Premarital Preparation Course.

Purchase Florida Premarital Course for $14.97 Here Now

Avoid the three day wait requirement and save $32.50 on your marriage license in Okaloosa County. We do provide the approved premarital course in an online format so you can save money on your marriage license and avoid waiting 3 days to have your marriage license issued to you.

Here’s how it works:

The Okaloosa County Clerk of Court will discount your marriage license application fee $32.50 upon completing our online premarital preparation course. 

The cost of our the course is $14.97, so you will actually SAVE $12.51 on your marriage license and there will be no out of pocket cost.

Our Online Premarital Preparation Course for Okaloosa County Covers the Following Cities:
  • Baker
  • Crestview
  • Deerland
  • Destin
  • Escambia Farms
  • Fort Walton Beach
  • Holt
  • Lake Lorraine
  • Laurel Hill
  • Mary Esther
  • Niceville
  • Ocean City
  • Shalimar
  • Svea
  • Valparaiso

To purchase your online premarital preparation course, click here.

For your convenience, D’Arienzo Psychological Group has supplied information here from the Okaloosa County Marriage License website. Please refer to the Okaloosa County Clerk of Court website for additional information. https://www.okaloosaclerk.com/marriage-licenses/

Okaloosa County Wedding Venue Information

1. Destin Bay House – Destin, FL.

Online Premarital Preparation Course in Okaloosa County Destin Bay House 1 Destin Bay House Destin Bay House 2

2. The Venue at Crystal Beach – Destin, FL.

The Venue at Crystal Beach

3. Four Points by Sheraton Destin – Fort Walton Beach, FL.

Online Premarital Preparation Course in Okaloosa County Four Points by Sheraton Destin-Fort Walton Beach . Four Points by Sheraton Destin-Fort Walton Beach.

4. South Laurel Farms – Baker, FL.

South Laurel Farms - Florida Wedding Venue South Laurel Farms - Florida Wedding Venue - South Laurel Farms - Florida Wedding Venue.

5. Holiday Inn – Fort Walton Beach, FL.

Holiday Inn Resort Fort Walton Beach

Okaloosa County Marriage License Information

Please take a moment to review the following information. At the bottom of this page is a link to our Kiosk questionnaire. Please complete the Kiosk information within 1 week of your arrival to our office.  You are also required by Florida law to sign a statement attesting that you have read the Florida Family Law Handbook.  A link to this handbook is also available within the Kiosk’s Disclaimer.  

Marriage License Requirements

Both parties must be present when applying for a marriage license and each must present one of the following forms of identification:

  • Valid government issued photo driver license issued in the United States; or
  • Valid federal or state photo identification card; or
  • Valid government issued Passport or Consular photo ID
  • (birth certificates or green cards are not accepted)

If either person was previously married, the manner in which the last marriage ended and the exact date the marriage ended (month, day and year) are required. Copies of the death certificate, final decree of divorce, annulment or blood test are not required. You do not have to be a resident of Florida to apply.

If either person is a Florida resident, a mandatory 3 day waiting period applies. The license’s “Effective Date” will be 3 calendar days after the “Issue Date”. The bridal party will not be able to marry until on, or after the “Effective Date”. The license will expire 60 days after the issue date.

Requirements for Minors 16 or 17 years old (one or both applicants) (f.s. 741.0

All of the following are required:

  • One of the forms of identification listed above;
  • Certified copy of Minor’s birth certificate showing parent’s names; and
  • A parental consent form may be obtained at the time of application. Both parents/legal guardians must be present with their own identification on hand. If one parent is deceased, a certified copy of the death certificate must be presented, and the surviving parent must be present with his/her own identification. If a legal guardian has been appointed, a court certified copy must be presented.
  • Exceptions will be if the parents are divorced and one parent has sole legal custody of the minor child. In this case, a court certified copy of the custody document must be presented and only the consent of the custodial parent will be required. If both parents are deceased, and a guardian has not been appointed by the court, the minor must present certified copies of both death certificates.
  • If full parental consent is unobtainable, judicial review is mandatory.
  • Any application may be submitted for judicial review.
Requirements for Minors under the age of 16 (one or both applicants)
  • All of the requirements for minors 16 or 17 shown above.
  • Under oath, swear that they are the parents or expectant parents of a child;
  • Provide proof in the form of the newborn child’s birth certificate or written statement from a licensed physician verifying pregnancy.
  • Will require judicial review.
Previously Married Minors:

Previously married minors may apply without parental consent. The minor must provide a certified copy of the previous marriage’s certificate and a certified copy of the death certificate or divorce decree.

Where consent is required, is consent of both parents required?

Yes, unless the parents are divorced and the sole legal custody and control is placed in one parent, then only the parent having such sole custody and control shall be required to give the written consent. All written consents must be acknowledged under oath (notarized or witnessed by a deputy clerk).

If my bride/groom and I are both Florida residents, do we have to take a 4 hour premarital preparation course?

Florida law (f.s. 741.01) requires all Florida residents to either take a four (4) hour premarital preparation course given by an authorized course provider or wait three (3) days from the date of issuance for the license to become effective. Additionally, Florida law requires the course provider to be registered in our county in order for the three (3) day waiting period to be waived and for the bridal couple to be eligible for the discounted license fee.  A Certificate of Course Completion must be presented at time of application.

Who can provide the four (4) hour premarital preparation course?

f.s. 741.0305 prescribes the following to be qualifying course providers:

1.  A psychologist licensed under chapter 490.

2.  A clinical social worker licensed under chapter 491.

3.  A marriage and family therapist licensed under chapter 491.

4.  A mental health counselor licensed under chapter 491.

5.  An official representative of a religious institution which is recognized under s.

     *496.404(19), if the representative has relevant training.

6.  Any other provider designated by a judicial circuit, including, but not limited to,

     school counselors who are certified to offer such courses.

 The qualifying course provider must be registered in our county in order to be eligible for waiver of the three (3) day waiting period and discounted license fee.  

If my bride/groom and I are both non-Florida residents, is there a waiting period for the issuance of the license?

No. If both the bride and groom are non-Florida residents, there is no waiting period for the license to become effective.

Are blood tests and physical exams required?

No. The law requiring these tests was repealed October 1, 1986.

Must I apply for a marriage license in the county where I live?

No, a marriage license may be applied for and solemnized in any Florida county.

Where can I apply for a marriage license in Okaloosa County?

A marriage license may be obtained Monday through Friday, 8:00 a.m. to 4:30 p.m. at the Clerk of Circuit Court’s Office in either the Okaloosa County Courthouse, 101 E. James Lee Boulevard, Room 10, Crestview, FL or at the Okaloosa County Courthouse Annex, 1250 N. Eglin Parkway, Shalimar, FL.

How long is a marriage license valid once it is issued?

The marriage must be solemnized within sixty (60) days of issuance of the marriage license. The ceremony may be performed anywhere within the State of Florida.

Who may perform marriage ceremonies?
  • A regularly ordained minister or other ordained clergy;
  • Elders in communion with some church;
  • All judicial officers (judges) of the State of Florida;
  • Clerks of Circuit Court and their deputies of the State of Florida; and
  • Notaries Public of the State of Florida.
  • In addition, the law provides that marriages may be performed among “Quakers” or “Friends,” in the manner and form used or practiced in their societies.

Note: Boat Captains are not authorized to perform marriage ceremonies in the State of Florida unless they are otherwise qualified as provided above. Marriage ceremonies must take place within Florida’s boundaries (within 3 geographical miles of the coastline).

Who is a “regularly ordained minister”?

He/she is a minister who has been recognized in the manner required by the regulations of the respective denomination to perform marriage ceremonies.

We’re from out-of-state, and we want to bring our regularly ordained minister with us to perform the ceremony in Florida. May we do this?


May a marriage be solemnized without a license?

No, Section 741.08 F.S. states that the party solemnizing the marriage shall require a license issued according to f.s. 741.01. before solemnizing the ceremony.

May I use my Florida Marriage License to have my marriage solemnized in another state?

No. Florida Marriage Licenses are only valid within the state boundaries.

Do I have to be a Florida resident or a U.S. citizen to obtain a Marriage License?

No. The parties must present valid government issued photo ID, such as driver license from their state or a passport from their country. Valid consular ID cards are also accepted.

Do I have to provide my social security number?

If you are a U.S. citizen, or have been issued a social security number, you must provide it at time of application (f.s. 741.04). Use of this number through this requirement shall be limited to the purpose of administration of the Department of Revenue Title IV-D program. It is sent to the Florida Department of Health, Office of Vital Statistics as part of your marriage record.

Instructions for Ceremony Officiators:


Observe the dates contained in blocks 18a, and 19. Ensure the marriage is solemnized within this valid date range.  Ceremonies performed outside of this valid date range will not be accepted by the Florida Health Department, Office of Vital Statistics.  


  1. Use BLACK INK only
  2. Type or print clearly all required information in blocks 21, 22, 23a, 23b, and 23c.
  3. Be sure to include your qualifying title with your printed or type-written name in block 23b.
  4. Ensure the ceremony date entered in block 21 is in the correct format of MONTH, DAY, YEAR. Acceptable format examples: January 21, 2009, or 01/21/2009. Marriage licenses which are improperly executed will not be accepted by the Florida Department of Health, Office of Vital Statistics.


Witness signature(s) in blocks 24 and 25 are optional by Florida law. 


The ceremony must be performed within the state boundaries of Florida.


Please be sure to leave the upper right-hand corner, beneath (STATE FILE NUMBER), of the license blank.  This area is intentionally left blank for the county’s recording information. If you have a Notary Seal,  please affix it to the area adjacent to the Certificate portion directly over the word SEAL, or affix it in block 23b.

Returning the Completed Marriage License to the Clerk:

A marriage cannot be officially recorded until the original license is returned to the Clerk. It should be returned within ten days after the ceremony. We recommend the license be returned in person, or send it by Certified or Express mail. As this is an original, irreplaceable document until it is recorded, we discourage using regular mail. Our mailing address is:


Don W. Howard, Clerk of Circuit Court 101 E. James Lee Blvd Recording Dept – Room 10 Crestview, FL. 32536

Upon receipt of the original completed license, a certified copy will be mailed to the mailing address provided at time of application. Bridal parties who return the original license in person will receive their certified copy while they wait.

What if I need more than 1 certified copy of my marriage certificate?

One certified copy is provided as part of the marriage application fee. If you need to purchase additional certified copies, the cost is $3.00 per certified copy.

Can I be married in the Clerk’s Office?

Yes. Deputy Clerks are authorized and available during normal working hours to solemnize marriages at the counter. The fee for this service as set by Florida Statute is $30.00. If you would like a deputy clerk to perform your ceremony, please arrive in our office by no later than 4:30 pm. As our office space is limited, and we perform many services apart from marriage ceremonies, please limit the number of guests to as few as possible. If you wish to have guests, we recommend you contact and make arrangements with a minister or Florida Notary Public to perform your ceremony. Local Notaries Public are usually listed in the printed and online telephone directories.

What is the fee for a marriage license?

Click Here for Marriage License Fees

What forms of payment does the Clerk accept?

In Okaloosa County, we accept:  

  • Cash
  • Money order
  • Visa, Mastercard, Discover, and American Express. Please note, a surcharge applies for all credit card transactions
Changing your name after your wedding: If your marriage means a change in name and/or address, remember to make the following important notifications:
  1. Florida Department of Highway Safety and Motor Vehicles, Division of Drivers License.
  2. Social Security office -You are required to notify them after your ceremony.
  3. Your voter’s registration office.
  4. Military Reserve commanding officer.
  5. Beneficiaries: Members of your family are probably named as beneficiaries or joint owners on many of these documents (bank accounts, insurance policies, employment benefits, etc.) and you may wish to make your spouse the new beneficiary or joint owner.
My spouse and I would like to renew our vows. Do we need a marriage license for this?

No. Talk to your clergyman, chaplain, or religious advisor or personal counselor.

Can a person marry someone to whom they are related?

Florida law prohibits marriage to anyone they are related to by 3 degrees of lineal consanguinity.

Where to write for a copy of your marriage license: If you were issued your marriage license in Okaloosa County, contact:

Clerk of Circuit Court Recording Department 101 E. James Lee Blvd Crestview, FL 32536 Phone: (850) 689-5000 ext. 3362

Click here to enter your information in advance using our online Kiosk