Marriage Licenses and Ceremonies
Florida law requires all couples wishing to get married to apply for a marriage license. Please review the information below for marriage license requirements.
Who may apply for a marriage license?
- Any male or female age 18 or older
- A minor whose parents are deceased and no guardian is appointed
- Minors who under oath swear that they are parents or expectant parents of a child can petition a judge to issue a license. A pregnancy must be confirmed by a licensed physician
- A previously married minor
- A person age 16 or 17 with parental or guardian consent
Please Note: If person is a minor, both parents must give consent unless the parents are divorced and the custody and control of the child is placed with one parent. All written consents must be notarized, which can be done at the Clerk’s Office for a fee of $7.00. If divorced, the parent must present a certified copy of the divorce papers.
What do I need to apply for a marriage license?
- Download the Marriage License Application, complete it and bring it with you to apply
- If the parties applying for a license have children together that were born in Florida, they must fill out the Affirmation of Children Born in Florida form (DH743A). This form requires notarization, which can be done at the Clerk’s Office for a fee of $7.00
- Both parties must apply together in person
- Each party must show a valid driver’s license, a valid state identification card, a valid passport or valid military identification
- Both parties must provide their Social Security numbers
- If either party has been previously married, the party must provide the date his or her last marriage ended
- Couples are required by law to read the Family Law Handbook supplied by the clerk and sign a statement acknowledging that they have done so before applying for the license
What is the fee for a marriage license?
$93.50. That fee is reduced by $32.50 if proof is provided of a premarital preparation course (applies to FL residents only).
What is the cost of a marriage ceremony at the Clerk’s Office?
A ceremony at the Clerk’s Office is $30.
How can I pay for my marriage license?
Cash, money order, cashier’s check (payable to the Orange County Clerk of Courts)
MasterCard, Visa, Discover or American Express
Personal checks are not accepted
There is a $3.99 surcharge added to all credit card transactions
Is there a waiting period for issuance of the license?
There is a 3-day waiting period for couples who live in Florida but do not provide proof that they have completed a premarital preparation course. A couple claiming hardship can petition a judge to waive the wait. There is no waiting period for non-residents.
When do I take the premarital preparation course?
Within one year prior to applying for a license.
How do I find a course provider?
Who is qualified to be a provider?
- A psychologist licensed under chapter 490
- A clinical social worker licensed under chapter 491
- A marriage and family therapist licensed under chapter 491
- A mental health counselor licensed under chapter 491
- An official representative of a religious institution, which is recognized under s496.404(20), if the representative has relevant training
- Any other provider designated by a judicial circuit, but not limited to, school counselors who are certified to offer such courses
If you are interested in being added to the Premarital Preparation Course Provider list for Orange County, download the Course Provider Requirements.
Are blood tests and physical exams required?
Must I apply for a marriage license in the county where I live or in the county where the ceremony is going to be held?
No. A marriage license can be obtained in any Florida county.
Can I use the Florida marriage license to be married in another state or country?
No. The ceremony must be performed within the state of Florida in order to be recorded and valid.
Where can I apply for a marriage license in Orange County?
A marriage license may be obtained Monday through Friday, except holidays, 8:00 a.m. to 4:00 p.m., at the following Clerk’s offices:
- Downtown courthouse, 425 North Orange Avenue, Room 355, Orlando
- 450 North Lakemont Avenue, Winter Park
- 1111 North Rock Springs Road, Apopka
- 475 West Story Road, Ocoee
A marriage license may also be obtained Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday, except holidays, 8:00 a.m. to 4:00 p.m., at our office at 684 S. Goldenrod Road, Pinar Plaza, Orlando. How long is a marriage license valid once it is issued?
60 days.
Who may perform the ceremony?
The following officials are authorized by Florida law to perform marriage ceremonies:
- Ordained clergy
- Elders in communion with a church
- All Florida judges
- Clerks of Court and their deputized employees
- Notaries Public of the State of Florida
The law provides that ceremonies also may be performed among Quakers or “Friends” in the manner and form used or practiced in their societies.
May a marriage be solemnized without a license?
No. Section 741.08, Florida Statutes, states that the party solemnizing the marriage shall require a properly issued license before performing the ceremony.
When and who should return the license to the Clerk?
A marriage cannot be officially recorded until the license is returned to the Clerk. It should be returned within 10 days of the wedding. The party that performed the marriage is responsible for returning the completed license.
Can I be married in the Clerk’s office?
Yes. Deputy clerks are authorized to perform ceremonies. They are held from 8:00 a.m. to 11:00 a.m. and from 2:00 p.m. to 4:00 p.m. Monday through Friday at our Apopka, Ocoee and Winter Park offices. At the Orlando courthouse, ceremonies are held from 8 a.m. to 4 p.m. Monday through Friday. The fee for this service is set by Florida Statute and is $30.00. Ceremonies are performed on a first come, first served basis at each of our offices.
Where can I get a copy or certified copy of my marriage license?
Name Changes on Other Documents If your marriage means a change in name or address, remember to notify the following agencies:
- Florida Department of Highway Safety and Motor Vehicles, Division of Driver Licenses
- Local Social Security Office
- Supervisor of Elections (voter registration)
- Military Reserve Commanding Officer