Team Building MBTI Seminars

Meyers Briggs logoD’Arienzo Psychological Group provides MBTI Team Building Seminars [utilizing the Myers Briggs Type Indicator (MBTI)]. Other assessments such as the DISC Assessment or the Hogan Personality Inventory can also be utilized at your request. Professionally, Dr. D’Arienzo has been involved with the MBTI since his early days in the Navy at Officer Indoctrination School (OIS) in 2003 and then providing MBTI Team Building Training Seminars during his Naval career including on the aircraft carrier, USS KITTY HAWK, from 2006 to 2008 under the flight deck and the galleys in very cramped and loud spaces. Times have changed since leaving the Navy in 2008, and these team building training opportunities are now available at your company’s training center or office…or ship if you can manage to fit your team on it.

We provide Myers Briggs Assessments and Team Building Seminars suited to your specific needs. These seminars are typically requested based on personality conflicts within and or between departments, to improve overall relationships between management and staff, and as a benefit to assist employees with professional development and a unique training opportunity.

To be effective, seminars should be at least three hours. Spending an entire day together is more effective as it allows for many group exercises to occur allowing time for comfort to express conflicts, a solid action plan to address those conflicts, and then for group cohesion to occur.

Note that the MBTI stands for the Myers Briggs Type Indicator Assessment which is a four letter profile generated based on the results of the Myers Briggs Personality Assessment otherwise known as the MBTI.

What you should expect from D’Arienzo Psychological Group if we were working with your company and conducting a Team Building Seminar.

MBTI Team Building Seminar Process

What to expect during the preseminar phase:

  1. An agreement is made to contract our services.
  2. Your staff will complete the MBTI prior to the seminar.
  3. Your company’s human resource director or the referring staff person, director, or CEO will discuss with Dr. D’Arienzo about the purpose of the seminar as well as potential details regarding conflicts at the office or business setting.
  4. We will then create a seminar regarding your unique needs.

What you should expect during the seminar:

1.Introduction and Icebreaker. Immediately, various exercises will be used to get the group to join in the process. Even those resistant will have fun. Remember, Dr. D’Arienzo, is a psychologist, so he will assist even the most anxious person participate.

2.Effective Individuals, Leaders, and Teams. We will discuss the factors related to high performing individuals and leaders which will then dove tail into high performing teams.

3.Perceptions. Because of so much of what we will be doing is about becoming aware of and modifying our perceptions and biases, we will spend a great deal of time discussing this and engaging in various exercises to drive home this point.

4.Meyers Briggs and Your Individual Profile. We will learn about the history, foundation, preferences, and code types related to the Myers Briggs. We will also review individual summary reports based on the assessment that everyone will have taken already. Everyone will understand their personal code type in great depth.

5. MBTI Activity. Based on the purpose of the seminar, an activity or series of group interactive activities will be conducted. This becomes the heart of the experience as participants will have become quite comfortable by this point and will be actively engaged in these activities. They will begin to see the issues and their own contributions with greater insight.

6.Team Analysis. Dr. D’Arienzo will discuss with the entire team as well as individual departments or lines their unique personalities as a whole. Often this group dynamic or type is related to issues that the team may be having. You may be surprised to discover that every team has its own Myers Briggs personality type of its own.

7.Application of Myers Briggs. We next discuss in more detail how to utilize the MBTI at work to build a stronger and more effective team.

8.Goal Setting. Finally, the team and individuals set goals regarding the newly acquired information.

9.Questions. Dr. D’Arienzo will then spend time answering questions in a group or individually if there are more private concerns.

10. Post Seminar Opportunity Meeting (optional). It is recommended that Dr. D’Arienzo return in approximately six months (or earlier if there are continued conflicts at work or there are other professional development needs). Returning holds the participants accountable and sends the message that management is committed to the change process as well. Remember, there are no quick fixes as there usually needs to be a cultural shift which requires a consistent commitment from all parties. A half day seminar is recommended to address continued growth and change with a brief review of profiles and progress made, additional exercises, group discussions, and a renewed action plan.


Please contact us at 904-379-8094 if you are interested in a MBTI Team Building or other professional development training exercise.