What is parenting coordination?

Posted by: Dr. Justin D'Arienzo, Psy.D., ABPP


What is Parenting Coordination?

Parenting Coordination is a child-focused alternative dispute resolution process that helps parents resolve conflicts related to parenting plans, custody, and visitation arrangements.

It involves a trained professional, usually a licensed mental health professional or attorney, who acts as a neutral third-party to assist parents in making decisions regarding their children. The parenting coordinator helps parents communicate, cooperate, and implement their parenting plan by facilitating negotiations, providing education and guidance on parenting, and offering recommendations when necessary.

The goal of parenting coordination is to help parents resolve disputes in a timely and efficient manner while reducing stress and minimizing the negative impact on the children. It is often used in high-conflict situations where parents are struggling to communicate effectively and make decisions together.

What is a good parenting coordinator?

A good parenting coordinator should possess several important qualities, including:

  1. Training and Experience: A good parenting coordinator should have specialized training in family law, conflict resolution, child development, and communication skills. They should also have practical experience working with families in high-conflict situations.
  2. Neutral and Impartial: A good parenting coordinator should be neutral and impartial, meaning that they should not take sides or favor one parent over the other. They should remain objective and focused on the best interests of the children.
  3. Effective Communication Skills: A good parenting coordinator should be skilled in communication and have the ability to help parents communicate effectively and productively. They should be able to listen actively, ask clarifying questions, and reframe statements to help reduce misunderstandings.
  4. Knowledge of Parenting Plans and Child Development: A good parenting coordinator should have a thorough understanding of parenting plans, child development, and the needs of children at different stages of development. They should be able to make recommendations that are in the best interests of the children.
  5. Ethical and Professional: A good parenting coordinator should adhere to high ethical and professional standards. They should maintain confidentiality, avoid conflicts of interest, and act in a manner that is consistent with the principles of their profession.

Overall, a good parenting coordinator should be a skilled, impartial, and child-focused professional who can help parents resolve conflicts and make decisions that are in the best interests of their children.

D’Arienzo Psychology and Parenting Coordination

We have two qualified parenting coordinators, Ms. Cynthia Salameh, Esq. and Dr. Justin D’Arienzo, Psy.D., ABPP. At this time only Ms. Salameh is accepting new clients for parenting coordination. She is an attorney, parenting coordinator, and divorce coach and has been practicing parenting coordination for over ten years. Please contact us if you would like more information about the parenting coordination process at admin@darienzopsychology.com or 904-379-8094.

We provide both in person and virtual parenting coordination sessions at D’Arienzo Psychology.

Cynthia Salameh, Jacksonville Parenting Coordinator and Lawyer
Cynthia Salameh, Jacksonville Parenting Coordinator and Lawyer